Applications for the 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants opened at 12pm (midday), 16 August 2021. All eligible businesses who apply for a grant during the 3-month application period will receive fundin
The JobKeeper Payment support ended on the 31st March, so it might be expected that small businesses are starting to feel the pressure after a few months without this innovative response by the Australian government to the Covid-19 pandemic effects on this country and its economy.
Eligibility criteria: The grant provides support to employing small and medium businesses across Queensland impacted by the South East Queensland lockdown that commenced on 31 July 2021. Your business doesn’t have to be located in South East Queensland, but you must have experienced at least a 30% reduction in turnover as a result of the lockdown. How to apply: You…
Considering your cyber-security budget has become more critical than ever as many businesses make a transition into an online platform or even dedicate themselves to going fully remote. This will come with a whole host of novel trials that you should try to be ready for. In order to get the ball rolling for you and your IT team, here…
Focus on areas in your business that are steadily growing and giving you that confidence to shift from covid conditions to post covid conditions.
Those affected by changes will be small businesses with closely held payees, micro-businesses that employ very small numbers of staff and those with seasonal employees. These businesses now need to declare the wages of all employees on or before the payment date, not quarterly as was previously expected, and they need to do so by July 1st 2021.
Crypto trading, mining and staking are all terms given to cryptocurrency activity that one user can perform. Crypto trading refers to the buying, selling and ‘swapping/trading’ of currencies and the ability to use these ‘coins’ to purchase or trade for other assets, such as money. You need to be aware that all of these events are taxable.
As indicated in the latest budget data, the Australian economy has recovered faster and better than projected. Despite its minor shortcomings, JobKeeper successfully kept most companies viable and individuals employed.
The sooner you work on an exit strategy, the simpler it is for you to reach your goal for yourself and your business. If you don’t think exit planning is a top priority for your company right now, then these three reasons might change your mind for the better.