Thank you for considering Accounting & Tax Solutions as your Tax Agent and Accountant. We would appreciate it if you could please take the time to fill out the following details:Business InformationBusiness Name:GST Registered YESNOTrading as:Tax File Number:ABN:ACN:Client Personal InformationFull Name:MRMRSMSMISSDate of Birth:Place of Birth:Occupation:Tax File Number:Medicare No:Spouse/Partners InformationFull Name:Date of Birth:Place of Birth:Occupation:Tax File Number:Medicare No:Children InformationYES If Yes, names and dates of birth:Centrelink/Child Support Obligations: YESNOChild Name (1):DOB:Child Name (2):DOB:Child Name (3):DOB:Child Name (4):DOB:Contact InformationFull Name:*Address:*PO Box:Mobile#:Home Phone#:Business Phone#:Fax#:Email:Bank Account Details (for ATO Refund):BSB:Acc Number:Acc Name:Other InformationIncome Protection Insurance: YESNO - (Interested? YES / NO)Medical Insurance: YESNOCopy of ID: (ie. Drivers License, Medicare Card, Passport)YESNOUpload your ID How did you hear about Accounting & Tax Solutions?GoogleWalk InReferralClient wishing to use secure 'Client Portal' (e-signing)?YESNO